What are IP (Ingress Protection) Ratings?
The Ingress Protection (IP) rating system was specified by IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission) to classify the protection of electrical appliances according to their characteristics of dust and moisture. The rating is specified by the letters IP followed by two numbers, such as IP65, IP68, etc. The higher the number, the higher the protection level! First Number – Degree of Ingress Protection The first number of IP rating indicates the degree of protection against solid objects intruding. The highest level is 6. 0 – No protection. 1 – The entry of objects larger than 50 square mm is protected. 2 – The entry of objects larger than 12.5 square mm is protected. 3 – The entry of objects larger than 2.5 square mm is protected. 4 – The entry of objects larger than 1.0 square mm is protected. 5 – Protection against the entry of dust, although it can not completely prevent, the intrusion of dust will not affect the normal operation of the electrical appliances. 6 – Complete...